
News From the Courts

Many thanks to The Open Rights Group for this information and for their work helping to keep our data private. You can follow them here This is once again just highlighting just how the UK is governed and how the citizenry are being manipulated and controlled. Just remember, the UK  has more experience in repression and suppression than almost any other country and they know how to go about it without telling the electorate.

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that the mass retention of our online communications data should not be allowed. The Court ruled that:

  • Blanket data retention is not permissible – it should be restricted.
  • Only data belonging to people who are suspected of serious crimes can be accessed.
  • The police and other organisations must get independent authorisation if they want to access this data.
  • You should be notified if your data is accessed.

The UK’s surveillance laws go against all of these rulings.

ORG played a part in this when we intervened in a case about the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIPA) brought by the MPs Tom Watson and David Davis. We argued that blanket data retention was incompatible with EU law and today the CJEU agreed.

Although DRIPA expires at the end of 2016, the ruling will affect the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA).

When MPs come back in January, we’re going to tell them they need to change the IPA. If not, we’ll see the Government back in court.

We could not have done this without our supporters. Please help us to undertake future legal actions by joining ORG or upgrading your membership today.

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